With Generation Z slowly making its way into the workforce we arguably have the widest variety of different Generations mixing in the workplace. As in many situations of diversity, tempers are likely to flare up fueled by difference in opinion, expectations and needs.
Obviously daily quarrels and consistent conflict avoidance is not the answer! Naturally, where there is a problem, solutions tend to thunder down on those that are looking for the fastest, most cost – effective and efficient solution.
Here is my suggestion: why not just keep it simple. Start with the basics.
In a recent publication, titled ‘Speak Up’, authored by Megan Reitz and John Higgins, I was reminded of not only the importance of saying what needs to be said but also to hear what needs to be heard. As Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer from Tinkers50 described it, Reitz and Higgins created the “how to guide to navigate the power and politics of conversations at work”.
For an affordable and practical solution to having “those” talks you’ve been avoiding invest in the ca 150 pages consultant. Instead of spending time micromanaging or avoiding those you mistrust for reasons unknown to them and, possibly to you, learn how to:
- Realize what stops you speaking you and being heard at work
- Learn how to speak up with confidence and be heard effectively
- Understand how to increase your personal impact by making the agenda and not just following it
- Spot how you silence others and learn how to make it easy for people to speak openly to you
- Create a working environment that is more innovative, honest, productive and fulfilling
Reitz and Higgins practical TRUTH framework, based on research that included hundreds of interviews, survey responses, ethnographic studies and action research inquiries, can be implemented regardless of your position in the organizational hierarchy. Asking yourself these vital questions you will find the answers to how you can speak up and listen up more effectively and change conversations, relationships and performance.
- How much do you TRUST the value of your opinion and the opinions of others?
- What are the RISK involved when you or others speak up?
- Do you UNDERSTAND the politics of who says what to who and why?
- Are you aware of the TITLES and labels we attached to one another – and how they shape what gets said and heard?
- Do you know HOW to choose the right words at the right time in the right place and how, skillfully, to help others to speak up through what you say and do?
Reitz, M. and Higgins, J. (2019) Speak Up. Say what needs to be said and hear what needs to be heard. UK: Pearson Educated Limited.