Our solutions
to assist your

Organisational Development Program

Phase 1
To start future-proofing your Organisation, we will have to start with a change in mindset. A change in mindset is preceded by a number of diagnostic exercises to understand the current mindset that drives behaviour in the Organisation. These behaviours, either productive or destructive, are often influence by the current leadership style, techniques and skills.
Phase 1, thus, takes a diagnostic and analytical and holistic view of your Organisation’s in an age where adaptation is a much better predictor of success.
But first, we start with WHY.
Phase 2
In Phase 2, I share some simple tools for scanning the near and far horizons, which will enable you to define a clearer direction for your business and help you to identify any obstacles your Organisation and Leadership team might meet along the way.
In short, we need to look at the HOW.
Phase 3
Finally and with some tactics for gathering and deciphering the clues in the data retrieved thus far, the Organisation and its Leadership team need to ready the Organisations and its Employees to act rapidly on what has been identified, discovered and learned in the previous two phases.
We are finally looking at the WHAT.
Human Resources and Labour Law Services
Visit our “Membership Program” Page to view the available services offered in the form of an annual membership. The services offered through our annual membership program aim to achieve the following:
Infinite thinking replaces finite thinking
Information sharing (i.e. inquiries, proposals etc.) is accelerated, allowing rapid responses to operational issues
Stress becomes a renewed sense of passion
Time is made available for the Leaders of an Organisation to focus on strategic decision-making.
Productive and Peaceful Labour Relations
More Organisational resources are unlocked giving Employees greater engagement and motivation
Leaders must, thus, be in a position to steer the Organisation and, even with power distribution, have to maintain continuous oversight of the collective direction of the business. To do that, Leaders need access to good information and must have the ability to communicate decisions.
Our Human Resources and Labour Relations (online) Membership Program, thus, offers speedy and professional Labour Relations and Human Resources advice and guidance. We aim to encourage a proactive mindset with regards to your Employment Relations thereby reducing costly, unproductive and time consuming work relations.
For More Information on our Membership Program click here.

Life Coaching

As part of creating a well-educated and psychological strong workforce, we also offer a short course, of 10 to 12 weeks, for those who want to work on improving their relationships with the people in their professional and private lives.

In association with the arbinger institute.
Career Counseling
In an additional attempt to create a talented and self-aware labour pool, we also offer Career Counseling to scholars from the age of 15 and/or Grade 9, university students and employees.
The Program aims to develop self-awareness of personal values, career goals and interest and, finally, finding a match between the individual and the current and/or future work environment.
Suitable for Life Coaching and Career Counselling, our Psychometric Test Batteries are designed to assesses candidates for General, Management, Graduates and Sales Positions and their respective Technical and Industrial skill requirements and include the following:
- General, Graduate and Critical Verbal, Numerical & Abstract Reasoning
- Personality Profile
- Values and Motivation Indicators
- Sales Preference Indicators
- Technical (you can make a minimize option out of this)
- Mechanical Reasoning
- Spatial Reasoning
- Visual Acuity
- Industrial (you can make a minimize option out of this)
- Following instructions
- Numerical skills
- Attention to Detail
- Problem solving
- Honesty and Integrity Survey
- Safety Awareness

We are registered and accepted by most medical aids, as the coaching program is presented and managed by an HPCSA registered Professional.

Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0) 72 285 1964 | why@the4oxen.co.za
Where to find us